URJA is working to prevent violence against women and children through a community based participatory approach.The organization has identified prevention strategies at four levels - individual, relationship, community, and society.
A multitude of risk factors at the individual, relationship, community and societal levels are working to increase the risk of women and girls to gender violence
These include among others:
- Low levels of education.
- Socio-psychological factors related to poor self-esteem, anger, depression, emotional insecurity.
- Social attitudes and cultural practice such as child marriage and bride price that reinforce women's subordination and lack of choice.
- Substance abuse, alcoholism leading to increased incidences of violence.
- Lack of economic opportunities, low skill sets leading to unemployment amongst men and making women and girls vulnerable to trafficking and other forms of violence such as domestic violence, child marriage etc.
- Conflict and tension within marriages and intimate relationships.
- Women having no control over decision making and assets.
- Lack of safe spaces and mobility for women to express their ideas, views and opinions and develop social networks.
- Low levels of awareness on gender related issues amongst law enforcement agencies, judiciary and other stakeholders.
- Poor implementation of laws and policies related to gender violence.
Protective factors that can reduce violence against woman or girls include inter alia.
- Completion of school education.
- Providing vocational skills training, employment and credit facilities.
- Providing safe spaces and support networks to women.
- Access to quality health, legal, protection services.
- Improving women's decision making power in areas affecting her their lives (e.g. marriage, education, access to health services .
- Promoting gender equality